Free Open Access Journals in Information Technology

  1. Acta Technica Jaurinensis
  2. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  3. Annals of computer science and information systems
  4. Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics
  5. Applied Computer Science
  6. Applied Computing and Informatics
  7. Archives of Control Sciences
  8. Australasian Journal of Information Systems
  9. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing
  10. Buletin ştiinţific: Universitatea din Piteşti. Seria Ştiinţe Economice
  11. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly
  12. Computational Social Networks
  13. ComTech
  14. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering
  15. Cybernetics and Information Technologies
  16. Data & Policy
  17. Data Intelligence
  18. Data Science and Engineering
  19. Digital Communications and Networks
  20. Digital Culture & Education
  21. ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology
  22. Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering
  23. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation
  24. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
  25. Frontiers in Big Data
  26. Frontiers in Blockchain
  27. Future Internet
  28. Human Technology
  29. ICT Express
  30. ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology
  31. IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing
  32. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society
  33. IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development)
  34. InfoMat
  35. InformacinÄ—s Technologijos ir Valdymas
  36. Informatics
  37. Information
  38. Information Processing in Agriculture
  39. Information Technologies and International Development
  40. Information Technology and Libraries
  41. Information Technology and Management Science
  42. Interaction Design and Architecture(s)
  43. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology
  44. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management
  45. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
  46. International Journal of Computing Sciences Research
  47. International Journal of Contents
  48. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
  49. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
  50. International Journal of Information Security Science
  51. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management
  52. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology
  53. International Journal of Management and Business Research
  54. International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)
  55. International Journal of Public Information Systems
  56. International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT
  57. International Series on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia
  58. Internet Interventions
  59. Issues in Information Systems
  60. ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology
  61. ITM Web of Conferences
  62. JAICT (Journal of Applied Information and Communication Technologies)
  63. JITeCS (Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science)
  64. JMIR Medical Education
  65. JMIR mHealth and uHealth
  66. JMIR Research Protocols
  67. JMIR Serious Games
  68. JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization
  69. Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology
  70. Journal of Advanced Research
  71. Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology
  72. Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science
  73. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining
  74. Journal of Big Data
  75. Journal of Cheminformatics
  76. Journal of Community Informatics
  77. Journal of Computer and Robotics
  78. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications
  79. Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications
  80. Journal of Computing and Information Technology
  81. Journal of Computing Research and Innovation
  82. Journal of Data and Information Science
  83. Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology
  84. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
  85. Journal of Engineering Research and Technology
  86. Journal of ICT
  87. Journal of ICT Research and Applications
  88. Journal of Information and Telecommunication
  89. Journal of Information Policy
  90. Journal of Information Rights, Policy, and Practice
  91. Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication
  92. Journal of Information Technology in Construction
  93. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
  94. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
  95. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English ed. Online)
  96. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
  97. OASIcs : OpenAccess Series in Informatics
  98. Open Journal for Information Technology
  99. ORBIT Journal
  100. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
  101. Research Briefs on Information & Communication Technology Evolution
  102. ROBOMECH Journal
  103. Social Technologies
  104. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric
  105. The African Journal of Information and Communication
  106. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
  107. Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
  108. University of Sindh Journal of Information and Communication Technology
  109. Vietnam Journal of Computer Science
  110. Virtual Economics
  111. Visual Informatics
  112. Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

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